Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery

An Illustrated Guide to Endoscopic Techniques

Autores: David Jimenez

Destined to be the definitive reference in this complex surgical area, Endoscopic Craniosynostosis Surgery is the first single resource to offer complete coverage of techniques, outcomes, complications, and results when treating patients with cranios{seguir leyendo}

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Chapter 1. Management Principles
Chapter 2. Anaesthetic Management
Chapter 3. Instrumentation and OR Set Up
Chapter 4. Sagittal Synostosis
Chapter 5. Metopic Synostosis
Chapter 6. Coronal Synostosis
Chapter 7. Lambdoid Synostosis
Chapter 8. Bi-coronal Non-Syndromic Synostosis
Chapter 9. Bi-coronal Syndromic Synostosis
Chapter 10. Sagittal-Metopic Synostosis
Chapter 11. Coronal-Metopic Synostosis
Chapter 12. Sagittal-Lambdoid Synostosis
Chapter 13. Bi-Lambdoid Synostosis
Chapter 14. Cranial Orthosis
Chapter 15. Cranial Anthropometry
Chapter 16. Neuropsychologic Outcomes
Chapter 17. Complication Avoidance and Management