Autores: Jose I. Almeida

Highly visual and packed with useful, practical information, Atlas of Endovascular Venous Surgery, 2nd Edition, provides real-world instruction on the evaluation, diagnostic imaging, and medical and endovascular surgical management of acute and chron{seguir leyendo}

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Atlas of Endovascular Venous Surgery, 2e

Section I: Venous Anatomy/Physiology/Diagnostics

1. Venous Anatomy

2. Venous Hemodynamics

3. Venous Pathophysiology

4. Venous Diagnostic Tools

Section II: Superficial Venous Incompetence

5. Endovenous Thermal Ablation of Saphenous Reflux

6. Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation: Current Data

7. Laser Thermal Ablation: Current Data

8. Non-Thermal Ablation of Saphenous Reflux

9. Treatment of Perforating Veins

10. Treatment of Varicosed Tributary Veins

11. Endovenous Approach to Recurrent Varicose Veins

Section III: Thromboembolic Disease And Deep Venous Consequences

12. Thromboembolic Disease

13. Endovenous Placement of Inferior Vena Caval Filters

14. Pharmacomechanical Thrombolysis

15. New Concepts in the Management of Pulmonary Embolus

16. Endothermal Heat Induced Thrombosis

17. Postthrombotic Syndrome

18. Iliocaval and Femoral Venous Occlusive Disease

19. Deep Venous Incompetence and Valve Repair

Section IV: Special Venous Issues

20. Venous Ulcers

21. Pelvic Venous Disorders

22. Nutcracker Syndrome

23. Treatment of Spider Telangiectasias

24. Endovenous Management of Central and Upper Extremity Veins

25. Venous Malformations

26. Severity Scoring & Measuring Outcomes

27. Evidence-Based Summary of Guidelines from the Society for Vascular Surgery and the American Venous