Drs. Eric Weiss and Douglas Sward have assembled an expert team of authors on the topic of Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. Article topics include: Advances in the Prevention and Treatment of High Altitude Illness; Out-of-hospital Evaluation and Treatment of Accidental Hypothermia; Arthropod Envenomation in North America; North American Snake Envenomation; Cutting Edge Management of Frostbite;Updates in Decompression Illness; Marine Envenomation; Is There a Doctor on Board: Medical Emergencies at 40,000 Feet; Translating Battlefield Medicine to Wilderness Medicine; The Application of Point-of-Care Ultrasound to Austere Environments; Wilderness EMS Systems; Preparing for International Travel & Global Medical Care; and Medical-legal Issues in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine.{seguir leyendo}

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